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Route Ufa - Termez (Uzbekistan) on a road map. The distance from Ufa to Termez by car

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The length of the path: 1819.11
Travel time: 1 day 15 h. 33 min.
Fuel costs:
at a flow rate L/100miles
and the cost of $/Litres
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    Route Ufa - Termez (Uzbekistan).
    On the road map is shown as drive from Ufa to Termez. The route along the roads schematically illustrates the line, which can be arbitrarily move to change the route. Distance from Ufa Termez on the cards roads is about 1819.11 miles (2927.58 kilometres). Estimated time path 1 day 15 h. 33 min.

    Popular routes from Ufa
    Ufa - Kazan
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    Ufa - Chelyabinsk
    Ufa - Moscow
    Popular routes in Termez
    Tashkent - Termez
    Moscow - Termez
    Samarkand - Termez
    Buhara - Termez

    Object type:
    Object name:

    g. Ufa, Respublika Bashkortostan , Russia
    12.1 miles village Urshak
    13 miles village Mokrousovo
    13.6 miles village Lokotki
    15.1 miles village Iskino
    17.2 miles Possible ambush police
    17.2 miles village Bulgakovo
    21.1 miles village Rakitovka
    51.9 miles Possible ambush police
    60.9 miles village Solovevka
    70.6 miles Police post
    74.1 miles village Muravej
    108.5 miles village Sabashevo
    110.8 miles village Zirgan
    113.5 miles village Jumakovo
    134.7 miles village Tamjan
    141.1 miles village Bugulchan
    145.2 miles village Hudajberdino
    153.5 miles village Volostnovka
    156.5 miles village Alexandrovka
    172.8 miles village Novonikolaevskoe
    182.4 miles village Isimovo
    199.4 miles village Nazarkino
    210.5 miles village Isjangulovo
    215.4 miles village Tazlarovo
    279.9 miles city Kuvandyk
    293.7 miles city Mednogorsk
    334.4 miles city Orsk
    423.7 miles Hromtau
    508.6 miles Karabutak
    750.3 miles Aralsk
    1212 miles Turkestan
    1394.4 miles Tashkent
    1409.4 miles Jangijul
    1426.8 miles Chinaz
    Скрыть камеры и посты
    Termez, Surhandarinskaja oblast, Uzbekistan

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